Cronkite News


Hearst’s Multimedia Innovative Journalism Competition: 9th place

Overcoming insomnia: A comic about seeking solutions for good sleep
Insomnia can happen to anyone, especially as life stressors like studying for exams, going through menopause or caring for a family member occur. The graphic comic, “Eve’s Insomnia,” shows the struggle toward solutions.

Story link here. Illustration by Emily Mai/Cronkite News


National Park Service, Forest Service propose restrictions on climbing anchors
The National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service drafted policy in November that could prohibit climbing anchors in wilderness areas around the country. The Climbing Association of Southern Arizona is one of several climbing organizations speaking out against the proposals, saying that they would discourage and endanger climbers.
Desert tortoises tracked by GPS in three year study by McDowell Sonoran Conservancy
The McDowell Sonoran Conservancy launched a three year study to learn about how the Sonoran desert tortoise interacts with urban development.